Who We Are

Founded in 1973, Bonny Lea Farm is Nova Scotia's first and only one-stop all-inclusive residential, vocational and therapeutic service provider for adults with intellectual disabilities.

We take an enhanced holistic and individualized approach for each of our participants to support them in reaching their goals and potential. Our participants are the reason we are here and they have come from all over Nova Scotia and beyond to access our unique programs.  (more)

What We Do

Residential Services
We offer a safe and supportive environment for independent living, life-skills development and learning in our nine licensed homes...

Vocational Program & Social Enterprises
Our social enterprise businesses provide work for participants. All proceeds from the sale of our high quality products support our programs...

Enhanced Supports
Our enhanced supports assist participants to develop their potential...

Upcoming Events


Our Mission

Bonny Lea Farm is committed to empowering special needs individuals, providing opportunities to experience faith, self-respect,
love for one another, dignity, integrity, productivity, and responsible community living.

Our Vision

Each person who comes to Bonny Lea Farm has the chance to learn, grow and succeed.

